Saturday, July 9, 2011

Maiden Voyage on the Fair Weather Flaneur

June 17, 2011
First OFFICIAL day of sailing on the Flaneur, our 16" O'day Daysailer II circa 1979.
We actually tried in April one weekend and nothing would work. The engine started to work when tested but cut off as soon as we were out in open water. As if that wasn't enough, our centerboard wouldn't fall down either (found out later that a build up of mud-dobber's nests in the centerboard compartment were to blame). We called in for a tow, all was well, but a great sailing day was lost..:(
This time around it was the weekend after sail school. We were good, ready, confident, possibly a little cocky, had our game faces on. BUT, as with everything in sailing and in life, nothing is for certain. The motor was switched by the repairshop to another evinrude 2hp owner earlier that week. Once we got ours back and tried it out at the dock found that the pull had no recoil. Awesome. Super-TOed at the repairshop-that-will-not-be-named in North Little Rock.
But after sail school, we were confident little sailors: "we don't need no stinkin' motors!"
We launched off sans motor and I was so happy to be sailing that I forgot everything I learned. This was great help to Matt who was manning the jib and main and was desperately trying to plant the boat advantageously to the dying wind as I sit there "oooh, look at the pretty bird!"
As you can see in the pictures, Matt came to the rescue with a paddle to slowly help us back to the dock.
So it didn't go totally perfect, but it was a great first try and we had some good fun and terrible champagne!

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